Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Isolation Journal 111

We ended up going to bed late as I'd spent a lot of time ordering stuff for the kittens like a new water fountain, litter tray and food.

I woke up this morning at around 8.30am and then couldn't properly get back to sleep and so was quite tired, we got up just past 9.30am and had some apple pancakes for breakfast and I went to feed Fudge and Smudge as Alan was cooking.  

We decided to take a trip to Spurn Point - we'd discussed it last week and were too sore/tired/late, but this week felt like a better plan.  It is 72 miles away and so we went in Alan's car so he felt more comfortable and I packed up some apples and snack bars for the journey along with coffee and water and the covid supplies (hand santiser, masks and wipes)  Alan stopped on the way for fuel at a Sainsburys in Hessle and then when we arrived at Spurn Point realised he was missing his wallet.  We searched all over and he paused his cards, but we couldn't find it and I couldn't call the store to check so we decided to explore Spurn Point and call back on the way home and hope we'd find it, but it wasn't the anxiety that we needed for the calmer day we were trying to have.

We paid for parking (£5 for the day) and then walked to the visitors centre to go to the toilet and look for potential binoculours because that was the other thing we forgot which was a real shame as we definitely spotted seals off the coast and it would have been amazing to watch them.  We could have bought some there, but the cheapest on offer were £119 and they aren't renting them as I'm guessing they might usually for obvious reasons.

We wandered along the beach and it was nice to smell the sea air and listen to the waves.  Spurn Point is quite different to anywhere I've been before, as Alan pointed out it looked a bit Mediterrean and it could be the light or the plants that were around, but I definitely saw what he meant.  Alan described how there was a road to the Lighthouse at the end of the penisula which is about 4 miles long and could be driven along, but in recent years the road has been eroded and is quite broken and twisted at points.  You could get a quad bike along it, but much more would be hard!  We saw little sea birds and seals off the shore and some cool wind farms and it was just lovely and peaceful and we must have walked around 6K in total and I wished I'd remembered to put some sun lotion on as it was really sunny.  We saw at one point a place to shelter if you got cut off in high tide and a man asked us to take a picture of him, he'd been running along the road.  I asked a volunteer/employee who was pushing his bike along the shore if we were likely to have seen seals and he said it would be hard not to see them.  

We walked back to the visitor centre and we drinks (diet coke and coke) and I had a lemonade lolly and I bought Alan a vanilla ice cream.  Alan seems happier with the idea of trying to book a little break in the UK for us in November, self catered and only 2 different locations, but that should give us some ideas at least.  

We drove back home via the Sainsburys petrol station and I went in to ask if Alan's wallet had been handed in and fortunately it had, they asked for ID, but I pointed out that was his ID and they gave it to me.  

I then did the rest of the drive home which wasn't too bad and I asked Alan to see if the Fish and Chip shop would be open when we got home and it was!  I jumped into my car and drove to Sherbun and recycled my tetrapaks and then parked outside The Fish Bank and ordered 2 lots of fish and chips and I had mushy peas with mine and Alan had gravy and I ordered an extra battered sausage - today has been a naughty day for food!   We bumped into Chris and Kirsty who had enjoyed their holiday and gave us a bottle of gin to say thanks for feeding Fudge and Smudge.

We ate Fish and Chips and Alan made hot apple brandy and put Deadpool on to watch, but I couldn't get into it at all so we ended up watching some comedy instead.  The milkman (Who was a woman today, so clearly a milk person is a better name!) came this evening because the normal chap is away on holiday.

I then vacuumed, washed the floors, tidied and cleaned the kitchen and set off the dishwasher.

I came up and logged to sort some work emails and to do lists and I hope I'll have a productive day tomorrow.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Isolation Journal 53

I felt a bit better today, not quite so unproductive and a bit more energy.  I logged on first thing to a briefing from the Internal Audit and Tax team about what they do.  I had a coffee and then I went downstairs and made some yoghurt, apple and granola for breakfast.  I then had a few calls and was pretty busy until I realised by 1.40pm I'd not had lunch.  I had a scone and defrosted some vegetable soup I'd made about 2 months ago and had been in the freezer.

I then had a meeting that I wasn't sure what my contribution was going to be, we were talking about national strategy and I pointed out that I hadn't been given anything to do/volunteered for anything and so asked what I could do.  I was offered the task of taking notes (which I'd not been doing as I didn't arrange the meeting.)  I challenged back that as the only woman in the room it felt inappropriate for me to be asked to take the notes.  I then had an email back from one of the other guys on the call who had said that his partner had heard me challenge and given a thumbs up.  I still feel anxious thinking about it, but I think it's still a good thing to call out as I was more senior than 3 of the other people in the meeting and so there wasn't a reason for me to do the notes rather than anyone else.

I then had a busy and productive afternoon that was finished by finally picking up 12 new jobs from a client which was a positive way to end the week.  None for me unfortunately, but still good news.

It was late when I finished as I decided the best way to start finding candidates for the role was to record a quick video and share onto LinkedIn.  

I also got distracted by the fact I had an email for Hermes about my new watch that I was excited about, but then I realised even though I'd put the right address on my paypal payment, the wiggle order address was my work address and there is no human to talk to be able to ask them to change it to my home address.  It's really frustrating and nerve wracking as it could delay me receiving it by up to a month.

Alan made tea which was the last Hello Fresh meal of the week and a very tasty, but calorific Halloumi wrap dish with around 1000 calories, so I made sure I got myself into my run kit and went out for a 5K run.

The sun set was beautiful light and there was a rainbow, I wanted to run hard, but I kept stopping to look at it all.  I even stalked a couple of hares and tried to video them, but they were a bit too quick.  I listened to more of "How to Stop Time" by Matt Haig.

I had a shower and a fruit pastill lolly when I got in and watched 2 episodes of Spooks and Alan was amused that they referenced the "National Rail Enquires" as a thing that used to exist.  

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Isolation Journal 29

Another "not" day off for me today.  Alan got up as normal and logged on for work at 9am, I faffed around on social media before getting out of bed around 10.15am and made myself yoghurt, granny smith, granola and home grown raspberries.  Only one coffee today.

I got straight into my run kit as I wanted to get a run over and done with and I put on a load of washing and took out the recycling and chatted to the gardener who mows our lawn for us.

I had planned to run for about an hour, but it was about 28 degrees so after a fairly fast 5km I decided to head back as it was just too warm and did just over 4 miles!  I listened to more of What Alice Forgot which is such a good audio book! I had an ice lolly when I got back and felt a bit light headed so sat down for a bit.  I was due to take little Alex (not so little anymore) out for a walk, but he had heatrash so wasn't heading out, so I had a long bath and then headed downstairs and made a salad with sriarcha mayo dressing and a couple of small potatoes with cheese, butter and marmite. I had another ice lolly.  Some herb plants that I'd ordered arrived and I planted out some mint, coriander, parsley, chives and nearly pulled up some seedlings that I then realised had grown from a tomato I planted 3 months back, so I replanted them!

I did a bit of work email stuff and Alan suggested we head out on the bikes and so I got my bike out and didn't get into biking gear, just the shorts and t-shirt that I already had on.  We cycled to post a parcel and then went to Fairburn Ings via Lumby and locked up our bikes and went for a walk and did some more mapping using the inaturist app.  We then cycled back via Ledsham just under 10 miles in total, I was surprised to get some cycling strava segments not clipped in or in proper cycling gear.

I've also been trying to sort out re-letting the studio flat that I own in the centre of Leeds, I'm not sure the agent I've been with since I bought it in 2017 are being very proactive so I'm considering whether I change agents.  It feels wrong to have it vacant, I wouldn't mind reducing the price especially if it could help a key worker.

We chatted with our nextdoor neighbour and I cleared up some feathers from a bird that the cats had clearly brought in.  Alan then made some chicken Laksa for tea and we ate outside and watched Chris from number 5 on his sit on mower cut the grass and Alan watered the plants and the lawn for us and Denise at number 4.  I had a Gentleman Jack and Ginger and we had ice cream and cream for dessert.  I then had a rose wine with some ice and came inside to watch some Catfish and plan my guide meeting for tomorrow as well as write a session plan for run club.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Isolation Journal 27

Mondays I usually find extremely challenging in lockdown as I am a person who gets their morning energy from seeing people, and not through a screen!

I had a much healthier than usual breakfast of yoghurt, homegrown raspberries, granola and a granny smith cut up with the magic slicer thing!

This morning I managed to kick off well and sent a shortlist to a job as well as catching up with people I'd not spoken to for a while.  At 12pm I went down and did my online Pilates class that was challenging, but just the right level of challenge.  Alan had made Eggy bread and fruit compote for lunch and I just cooked my slice of bread before eating it in front of my laptop.

I managed to do a load of washing and hang it out whilst catching up with a candidate.  All good for multitasking today.  I had 2 coffees in total today and one cookie as a snack.

I finished work around ten past 6 and joined Alan for a run of about 5K and used the new app that I'd downloaded inaturalist to find out what different plants in the fields were - pineapple weed, burdock, onion (we foraged some!), some hares that I took from a big distance and zoomed in my phone camera and it even recognised Maya!  I asked Alan if I was the geekiest person he'd ever gone out with and he said yes apart from perhaps someone he was with who was really into pylons...

We came home and Alan finished cooking tea that he'd prepped before we went out which was okra rice and a carribean lamb curry, it was delicious.  I had a whisky and ginger and a lime cheesecake as treats!

We watched Catfish the film which was far weirder than any of the encounters he has in the show, it was really odd.  I then watched some more Best of Big Brother.

20 things in 2020 update at the nearly half year point!

I've finally (at nearly halfway through the year!) had a look at how I'm tracking on my 20 things in 2020 goal... some are slightly more challenging given the substantial issue of a global pandemic which I'd not really considered when I wrote my list, but interestingly some of them I've completed more easily given our lockdown situation.  I've now made a spreadsheet to track things a bit more closely...

1 - Complete 20 parkruns - an "easy" one as I've averaged more like 40 per year since I discovered parkrun in 2014. This seemed like an easy one when I set the target as I did 49 last year...20 as a number was purely arbitrary to fit in with my theme, how wrong I was!  I'm currently sat on 10 (I missed two on New Year's day because I was too hungover and one on the day we flew to Barbados), I'm not sure that it will actually be possible as parkrun is only just restarting again in New Zealand.  I have just started logging "not parkruns" so maybe that will be my workaround if I need it...I really hope parkrun starts again soon (as long as it's safe!)

2 - Donate to charity / recycle 20 bags or boxes of stuff - living in a house with no storage is great in some ways as it forces this issue, but recently I've definitely accumulated too much and a sort out would be useful.  This is certainly one that I need to focus on more, although donating to charity in terms of stuff is hard at the moment because of charity shops being closed and things like shpock being harder to use with social distancing etc.  I'm currently on 2...I need to up my game!

3 - Go to 20 yoga or pilates sessions. - This has possibly become a little easier as I find it hard to leave work on time or do much in lunchtimes, but since we've been in lockdown I've been doing pilates 1 - 2 times per week online as well as doing one yoga session with people in a class (wild!) at the start of the year, I'm tracking well on 14 sessions at the moment.

4 - Write 20 letters or postcards - I probably should track this a bit better as I've probably made more progress, but I've done a few multiples and want to push myself to do more letter writing.  I'm on 7 different iterations, but with a few multiples.  

5 - Complete at least 20 crafting sessions - either alone or even better with friends - I was doing quite well with this at the start of the year, 2 Artnights and a sewing session with Sam, but it has got a bit harder, so I might need to do more independent or zoom sessions as I'm currently on only 4

6 - 20 sessions of creative writing / blogging entries - I didn't expect to, but lockdown and my friend Lauren has really inspired this in me, I've done online flash fiction classes, I've kept an Isolation blog, and a couple of mental health blogs and even this one - so this is completed with more than 20 done, but I'm enjoying it and will happily keep going!

7 - 20 sessions of mindfulness - Ideally I'd do this everyday, but I'm not great at always remembering, so this is a nice achievable target. - I'm only on 1 as I'm not counting using Headspace to get to sleep - I must do more of this as I think it would really help me.

8 - Today having a stunning walk around Fairburn Ings RSPB nature reserve I realised this is one thing that makes me really happy and so I want to do at least 20 walks or runs around beautiful nature locations. - This is a bit hard at the moment as I know we can travel further, but we are very cautious, so I could count all my lovely runs, but for now I'm just counting the ones that I've got as far as nature reserves and so I'm on 5.

9 - Leading or backmarking at least 20 run club sessions - Again a hard one at the moment, not sure when I'll be back to normal on this, but whilst we've been in lockdown I've written a few session plans for people and run zoom sessions for #runandtalk and so if I count those then I'm on 13.

10 - Volunteer at least 20 times - If I count Guides then I'm on 16 as we've kept the meetings going via Zoom which actually feels more important even though it's not quite the same as meeting in person.  I hope we get back to that soon.

11 - Meet friends for coffee/lunch/catch ups at least 20 times - Again another coronavirus impacted activity, but if I count some of the zoom catch ups then I'm on 11 and hopefully will meet people for some socially distanced walks soon.

12 - Read 20 books - I'm really struggling to read, even before Coronavirus, my attention span was terrible, I'm nearly at the end of my first proper book and I'm going to be easy on myself and count audio books too, but I am trying to improve my book reading as it is good for my brain and my mental health and I have a big stash of great books to get through.  I'm currently on only 2 audio books completed.

13 - Watch 20 new films - I'm sure I'm further along with this than I've tracked as from what I can recall I'm on only 6, but I'm not sure I've written them all, so I need to track it a bit better, I'm sure I can catch up well during lockdown though - this is what I've noted down so far.  I think I'd have hoped more would have been in a cinema setting...

  • 1917
  • Starter for 10
  • Hunger Games
  • The Voices
  • Hidden Figures
  • Arrival

14 - Spend 20 hours learning something new - I'm not sure how to best count this as I've got 2 hours so far from my flash fiction course, but I've listened to lots of lectures online and so I might give this a bit more thought.  I think I'd thought that it might be more hands on.

15 - Get at least 8 hours sleep 20 times (this is a challenge as my regular 11daytime sleep is only 6.5 hours) - before lockdown I only managed to do this 7 times, I'd be getting up at 6.20am and not in bed often before midnight, it was a challenge, post lockdown means that I'm now at 40 in total.  So this one is now complete.

16 - Visit 20 new places (not countries, just different places that I've not been before, whether a restaurant, or a nice place to walk) - a bit harder to do this one post lockdown, but I'm tracking well with 13 at the moment.

17 - Visit the gym at least 20 times (pretty sure I didn't manage this in 2019) - I was tracking ok....I'd managed 3 sessions I think before lockdown, I might count the online zumba sessions that I've been doing with my friend Gui which would add another 5 including a HIIT session and put me on 8.

18 - Plant 20 "things" whether seed bombs or vegetables. - I need to focus a bit more on this, but with seed bombs, lavender, mushrooms, potatoes and raspberry cuttings I'm on 8.

19 - Watch at least 20 live music acts (should be achievable as we are least going to Blue Dot festival again and hopefully might still get tickets to Glastonbury in the resales - fingers crossed!) - This is a tough one, we had one festival and one gig booked, but we're now postponed, I may have to have a rethink...i'm on 0!

20 - Get to work without driving at least 20 times (I'll cheat if needed and include working from home!) - this is complete as I've only driven my car about 4/5 times since March!  It is more than 20, but I've not counted!

So out of a possible 400 at the halfway point I'm on.... 182 so not doing too badly, I think I'm on track with most of them.

I also set myself a challenge of not buying any new clothes in 2020 other than underwear, lockdown has made this more achievable as I've not had to worry about outfits other than leisure wear, active wear and decent camera workwear.  I've so far only bought a swimming costume and a sports bra and a second hand coat to replace one that was broken.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Isolation Journal 19

Another late rising, I think it was probably around midday before the time I got out of bed.  I had a coffee and some granny smith, granola and yoghurt and then watched some TV before getting up and cleaning the house.

I hoovered the whole house and tidied up my office/bedroom and put up some nails to hang up some art work/paintings.  I cleaned surfaces and the bathroom and did 2 loads of laundry.  I listened to the Archers, the High Low Podcast and With Me Now podcast as I cleaned.

I then got ready to go running and went out for about 7.5 miles in about an hour and 8 minutes.  The heavy rain a few days ago meant that it was almost tropical feeling with everything feeling really steamed up.  I ran an out and back route down to Fairburn Ings RSPB Reserve which was very pretty in the sunshine.  I also saw lots of lovely red poppies along the way.  I was feeling quite heavy and wasn't particularly fast.  I'd not taken water with me and managed to survive by eating 2 shotbloks at the turnaround point.  I listened to the end of "I am not your baby Mother" by Candice Brathwaite which was really powerful.  The final few sentences mentioned about how it's not all about social media sharing, but it's mostly about what you do when no one is looking which really struck a chord with me.  It made me think very much that I need to make sure that I am doing the right things at work to be a part of positive action and change.  I got back in and necked 2 pints of orange squash and ice with a dash of salt.

I came back and had a bath with some lush lavendar bubble bar and then whilst Alan was on Zwift I mopped the lounge and the dining room.

I then had left over Chinese not realising how late it was and so Alan had to have a snack crumpet and cheese for his tea and made cherry crumble for our "tea" which was delicious.  He also made a lovely rum punch for us both.

I watched some more catfish and then we watched The Night Tonight and some Scrubs.  I also ordered a card on moonpig and a meatbox for my Dad for Father's day.

I also finally sent over the pictures that the guides had drawn for our local Self Isolation Support group and booked in my virtual marathon training sessions.

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Isolation Journal 5

We woke up a bit later again today, we really must try and get back to normal tomorrow evening as we are back at work on Monday.

Alan got up and made french toast with berry compote and coffee and we watched Friends on TV - it's up to the point where Phoebe meetings Mike which are some of my favourite episodes.  I read about the Michael Gove Tweet and cynically seems like an attempted distraction more than anything else.

We kept the cats locked in as we were worried about Qubit, but his paw did seem much better and so I sneaked out Maya earlier on and then in the afternoon we let them both out.

Alan then got into his running kit and after I'd hung out the washing I got into mine and we went out for a gentle jog up to the nature reserve at Ledsham.  I managed to get some photos on the way for a photo challenge with both my friends and also with the running club.  We sat in the reserve in the warm sunshine and saw one person in the distance, we're very fortunate to be living where we do.  We chatted about a few things, notably racism and misogyny and why my beliefs are so different to my parents.  I concluded that school was a major common factor as well as Blue Peter and good kids tv.

We covered about 7 K in just over an hour and I got a photo of my reflection in a random discarded new roll of tin foil as one of the categories was "Your Reflection".  My knee is feeling better and so hopefully I can do a bit more running again tomorrow to keep on track with my distance targets.

I made a salad for lunch and disappointingly the avocado was way past it's best and I had to cut out all the black squidy bits.  I also was craving a baked potato and had a topping of butter and marmite - delicious and a lockdown tip I'd heard from the High Low.

I watched the Daily Briefing which was interesting as they focussed on re-opening sports including football and horse racing from next week rather than the fact the R number is still high and the death rate is what it was as we decided to lock down. They also had Professor Van-Tam on who was very clear about how it wasn't the time to "rip the pants out" of the government guidance or indeed the fact that “In my opinion the rules are clear and they have always been clear,” he said. “In my opinion they are for the benefit of all. In my opinion they apply to all.” As I have the freedom of choice to be able to continue to work from home and the impact on my day to day life hasn't been as severe as others I feel that my approach will be to remain in "lockdown" in terms of what we've been doing for the past 10 weeks with a small exception that we might have a few outdoor garden conversations.  Not barbecues or anything where we'd have to access or have our house accessed ideally.  I am aware not everyone can work from home, so if those who can do continue to be socially distant, maybe we can mitigate what is likely to be a second peak.

We then had a 5pm appointment with a friend's 6 year old daughter who has opened an online dance school on zoom and she performed a number of songs that me and Alan had to dance to with some of her friends and family also signed up.  If we liked it and go to the next one it's £1 per class that will go to charity.

Alan and I then both had baths and I watched another Hay Festival talk - David Mitchell being interviewed by John Mitchinson and a bit later on Paul Krugman talking about the economics post Covid-19 Lauren and I had also swapped our Dribbles earlier and talked about a few other ideas for writing.

I got an email from Easyjet to say that it was 30% off flights to Barcelona, I went with Alan back in 2016 and saw someone on Facebook's memories there pop up and it made me really think it would be nice to get back there.  I looked into costs for flights in March and for £83 for the 2 of us seemed like a decent calculated risk.  Hopefully we'll have a bit more normality by that point.

I watched the Nasa SpaceX launch with Alan outside in the garden and we tried to see it, but didn't have any luck and then forgot to look at it outside for the ISS later.  It was really interesting watching how smooth everything went and how the Falcon? landed back on the boat.

Alan made a pasta bake for tea with Hello Fresh and I had a couple of Jim Beams and Ginger Beers and we put Friends on TV again.