Monday, 10 February 2025

Leeds Marathon Training Week 3

Into the 3rd week of training and I'm starting to feel the increase in mileage kicking in, my feet are starting to feel like they do after 5 days of walking around Glastonbury...although thankfully I'm managing to get a bit more sleep than I do there!

This is what was on the plan for the week...



Rest/Cross train

Run Club/60 mins

10 mins easy running

30 secs fast running; 1 min jogging – 4 reps

10 mins easy running

Pilates/Cross Train




And here is what I actually achieved...

Monday - a rare scenario of working from home and I made a promise to myself that I would do my best to always get out for a run if I was working from home. I went out for a "recovery" run at lunchtime and did 4.4KM at a slow and steady pace (6.48 per KM) and enjoyed getting out in the daylight and maintaining my step goal! It was mostly what my Garmin had suggested!

Tuesday - I wasn't sure if I was definitely going to be at run club as I was toying with the idea of going to my online bookclub, but I'd not finished the book and so I joined group 5 for the progression session week and enjoyed running and chatting with people and we covered 8.82KM at a punching 6.17 per KM and it was nice to head out following Dan's route that is quite different to what I plan. I find run club when I'm not leading always gives me new ideas for routes!

Wednesday - I was hoping to run on Wednesday, but I was overly busy with meetings in Barnsley and back home to meet a new potential guide leader and so I didn't run and to be honest, I think I needed the rest! I did at least manage to maintain my step goal streak.

Thursday - It was a bright day and I had a reasonably free lunchtime and so I took my run kit and took advantage of my amazing office as they give us complimentary showers, shampoo, shower gel, conditioner *AND* towels! I went as fast as I could for 30 minutes and covered 5.2KM along the canal with an average pace of 5.21 per KM.

Friday - I had a hectic day with lots of meetings and was working from home, but I had also got an appointment at 3pm for a coil fitting. As a woman it can sometimes be hard to follow a training plan as out of nowhere your hormones can make your life really difficult. For the past few years I've really been struggling with low mood at certain points in my cycle as well as the fact I've had low iron because I've only had around 4 "bleed free" days per month. I'm still struggling to be "heard" by the doctor as I think I probably just need HRT as I have had private tests showing I have low Oestrogen (and the symptoms kicked in after I stopped taking the combined pill), but I did finally decide to try out the suggestions of a mirena coil. They provide good vidoes and I naively thought I'd be able to just get up and log back on at work, but my heart rate dropped down to around 36 BPM and all I was good for was lying on the sofa for the rest of the evening with a hot water bottle and sweets and chocolate that Alan had bought for me. I lost my step goal streak!

Saturday - I wasn't sure if I would be up for running parkrun, but actually like many cramping symptoms, once we set off at Pontefract parkrun I was fine and I stuck with Alan for a reasonable effort of 30.28 and then showered at the gym next to the racecourse and headed down to London on a train to visit my parents.

Sunday - A long run day. I'd hoped to get to Peco, but as my Dad isn't doing so well with his Parkinsons and Dementia, I decided to spend his birthday day with him and we booked to go for a curry. It meant I was organised enough to get out for my long run early in the day and I ran up to Bushy park (past the OG parkrun start!) all the way through the park to Kingston (where I used to go to school) and then back along the river and past Hampton Court. It was pretty muddy, but decent conditions and I covered what my Garmin suggestd of an hour and 11 mins at a goal pace of 6.15 per KM. In realtity it was more like 12.8KM at an average pace of 6.12 per KM.

Total week's activity of 31.9KM and I've chipped away again at my 1000 mile goal and I'm now only 3.3 miles behind where I should be at this point in the year. 

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