Monday 1 June 2020

Isolation Journal 7

First day back at work after a week off today.  I woke up before my alarm and felt groggy as it took me a while to fall asleep and it was pretty late by the time we'd got to bed.  I had 2 coffees and a bowl of cornflakes for breakfast.  I got the milk in from outside, we get 1 pint of whole milk, 2 pints of semi skimmed and one of orange juice and tend to get through it very easily.  I start the day with a MS Teams call so I dialled in at 9am and caught up with the team.  Usually after a week off there is an avalanche of emails and work to get through, but it was half term which usually means it is quieter for me.  I don't usually take half term off, but given we can't go anywhere it was a sensible time to take off and the weather was great.  

The first part of the day was spent catching up on emails and returning calls and then I'd booked a virtual meeting with a new contact and one of my colleagues in the afternoon which went well.  I then as usual fell into a more productive mindset and got far more done in the last couple of hours and in total it was a pretty productive day.  

I read Why We Sleep - by Matthew Walker, well when I said read, I listened to it on the commute to work, well most of it... and one of the takeaways I found was that there are two types of people morning and night people as developed in times when we lived in tribes and had to sleep 8 hours (the ideal amount) and the morning people would go to bed earlier by 4 hours and get up 4 hours earlier.  If you are an "evening" person (definitely me) you are likely to naturally choose a later bedtime so a 9 - 5 world unfairly disadvantages you if you have to get up before you 8 hours of sleep is completed.  Before we were in lockdown I was averaging around 6-7 hours of sleep a night, I'm now closer to between 8 - 9 and generally feeling good for it.  The important thing the book points out if you are an evening person and you get up early is that you if you have 6 out of 8 hours you don't just lose 25% of sleep, you actually lose 85% of the REM sleep as much of this happens in the last 2 hours of your 8 hour cycle.  I'm worried about what will happen when we go back to having to commute how I'll cope on 6 - 7 hours again.

We also had a discussion about when we might be going back into the office, originally it was set to be September, but it could be July and that makes me nervous.  It seemed to make Alan angry as his company are still completely working from home all around the world and he is saying that if I have to go into the office too soon he'll sleep in a separate bed.  Our CEO has said that we won't need to go back in until we feel safe, and no one will be forced, so I don't think that I'll be forced to make a decision about this hopefully.

At 12pm I had my online pilates class and it was really warm!  We had a bit focus on core, I'm terrible at core exercises.  Alan then made some new dumplings for the stew and so I had stew and dumplings for lunch on a very warm day.  I also booked onto a reading and Q&A session with Jo Brand via Arvon on Friday evening at 7.15pm so something cool to look forward to.

I finished work around 6.45 as I was finishing of writing an advert (not my favourite tasks as there are so many drop down boxes to choose!) and I had over 60 applications to my last advert.  

Alan made smoothies with a pineapple, banana and mango that I'd had delivered from Delifresh about a week and a half ago that were going a bit soft.  We took the smoothies and went on a 4.5k walk around the fields and I found a really cool green stone and the light was beautiful and it was really warm.  

I then made a Hello Fresh dinner of roasted pork with lentils and creme fraiche and Alan served up some rum and raisin ice cream, with cream for dessert and I had a glass of white wine that's been open for a couple of weeks that was actually still really good.  

We watched friends and Qubit meowed loudly until Maya came home at about 11pm.

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