I had cornflakes and coffee for breakfast and we kicked off with a call at 9am with a couple of us and the morning was busy, but a bit of a blur. I think it was reasonably productive, but I can't be 100% sure.
I then went downstairs at lunch to heat up my lunch, the pasta bake from yesterday. Whilst I was heating it up in the microwave I noticed a small grey dog outside the house, there was a convertable Mazda reversing that I didn't recognise and the dog was jumping up at it. The Mazda drove off and I made a note of the numberplate as we weren't sure if it had just dumped the poor dog. Alan ran out to see if the dog was ok, and it was limping a little and someone pulled up in another car and said the dog lived at number 10 so we took her back and found that she was called Bea. They'd not noticed she'd escaped, I'm glad we found her!
I then ate some lunch and heard Qubit come in making the meow noise that he makes when he's caught something. Alan got to him first and it was a live sparrow, fortunately it flew into the kitchen and I was able to shut the door, grab the keys and helped it fly away unharmed.
The afternoon was definitely more productive. I still have loads I'm not on top of, candidate conversations are taking a lot longer at the moment and they all want to give me a life history before I then find out that they only want work in London and they've reeled off 20 years of experience and I have to disappoint them to explain I can't find them anything relevant. I picked up more jobs for other people which was good, but frustrating as I'd really like a job to work on for myself soon!
I finished work at 7pm and then went for a run, I am apparently "overreaching" according to Garmin so I made sure to run more steadily and did 8K and was "productive" at the end of it. I saw a cool bird of prey and ran a few segments. I got back in and went and had a shower as I was pretty sweaty!
I cooked tea, Hello Fresh had accidentally sent us the wrong recipe card for a recipe last week which confused me so I used the chicken from another recipe and some spare chicken to make tea. We had chicken in panko breadcrumbs and wedges and a cool ginger and carrot salad. I listened to more of "I heart Vegas" whilst I was cocoking and I finished up some mints that I'd been bought for my birthday and split a bottle of prosecco with Alan.
We watched Spooks and then I bought a book for my Uni Alumni bookclub. I choose to buy it from the most local independent bookshop - Fox Lane Books and it's definitely a lot more expensive, but it's important to support more bookshops when they have faced so much competition from Amazon.
Alan grabbed me an ice lolly and went for a bath and I watched some more Catfish