Wednesday 27 May 2020

Isolation Journal 2

After another late evening writing before bed so we were woken up with a start at 8am by Amazon delivering a parcel for Alan.  I got back into bed and fell back to sleep for a bit and it was probably around 10am before we got up.  

We had cornflakes for breakfast (which apparently provides you with 50% of your daily Vitamin D needs which I'd never focussed on as much until I knew it can help your body be more resilient to Covid, well apart from when I binged on it after I broke my shoulder in 2018)

I listened to another Hay Festival Lecture on vaccinations (well half before I had to cook lunch) and again I'll finish listening again.  We had gnocchi fried with chorizo, courgette and spring onion and Alan picked and prepped some of the artichoke that we've been growing in the garden.  He used garlic oil and roasted them in the oven.  We've been really enjoying the Artichokes as have the ants and the aphids, it's hard to clean them all off!  We ate outside and it was really hot!

I wrote 2 cards/letters one to my Dad's cousin Polly who I know is living by herself and I'm guessing might be finding lockdown more challenging and also one to my friend Gloria who is turning 40 - I found a weird inspo card from the 90s that I've had in my possession since it was being thrown out by the worst company I think I've ever worked for.   The card said "Desire breeds Power" and I think she'll enjoy the oddness of it.  

As a CIRF part sponsored by my running club Hyde Park Harriers I had set out a plan to deliver marathon coaching this year, but with all the marathons postponed and not being able to run in groups I've been preparing some session plans for people to do whilst they are running by themselves.  So far I've done a session on intervals, a progression session and today was a hill reps session.

I also listened to a parkrun podcast that has been continuing in lockdown - With Me Now as I tidied out the awkward cupboard in the kitchen to put in the new pans that arrived from Amazon at 8am this morning.  Alan also watered the garden with the hose and accidentially knocked off the water to the dishwasher and then subsequently fixed the dishwasher.

We decided to go for a run to post my 2 letters and took it steady as it was warm and Alan is regaining his fitness after some time out from running.  I also twinged my Piriformis and so was taking it a bit slower.  It took us a little longer than planned so I ended up dialling into a weekly call that I have with my friends Hayley and Sam via zoom at 5pm whilst we were still walking home across a field.  

I had a good chat and catch up with Hayley and Sam and then I debated whether to do the Wednesday evening online Zumba class with my friend Gui and I did and took it easy.  Qubit arrived in the middle and meowed loudly.

We then had Hello Fresh for tea - spicy meatball curry and rice and then rhubarb crumble and vinetta for dessert and caught up with Have I got News for You 

I'm now currently enraged by my Mum sharing a post defending Dominic Cummings, which I really don't understand when she is far more negatively affected by government policy than I am, I could say a lot more on this, but I'm currently engaged in a row with my mum on messenger.

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