Showing posts with label feminism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feminism. Show all posts

Saturday 18 July 2020

Isolation Journal 53

I felt a bit better today, not quite so unproductive and a bit more energy.  I logged on first thing to a briefing from the Internal Audit and Tax team about what they do.  I had a coffee and then I went downstairs and made some yoghurt, apple and granola for breakfast.  I then had a few calls and was pretty busy until I realised by 1.40pm I'd not had lunch.  I had a scone and defrosted some vegetable soup I'd made about 2 months ago and had been in the freezer.

I then had a meeting that I wasn't sure what my contribution was going to be, we were talking about national strategy and I pointed out that I hadn't been given anything to do/volunteered for anything and so asked what I could do.  I was offered the task of taking notes (which I'd not been doing as I didn't arrange the meeting.)  I challenged back that as the only woman in the room it felt inappropriate for me to be asked to take the notes.  I then had an email back from one of the other guys on the call who had said that his partner had heard me challenge and given a thumbs up.  I still feel anxious thinking about it, but I think it's still a good thing to call out as I was more senior than 3 of the other people in the meeting and so there wasn't a reason for me to do the notes rather than anyone else.

I then had a busy and productive afternoon that was finished by finally picking up 12 new jobs from a client which was a positive way to end the week.  None for me unfortunately, but still good news.

It was late when I finished as I decided the best way to start finding candidates for the role was to record a quick video and share onto LinkedIn.  

I also got distracted by the fact I had an email for Hermes about my new watch that I was excited about, but then I realised even though I'd put the right address on my paypal payment, the wiggle order address was my work address and there is no human to talk to be able to ask them to change it to my home address.  It's really frustrating and nerve wracking as it could delay me receiving it by up to a month.

Alan made tea which was the last Hello Fresh meal of the week and a very tasty, but calorific Halloumi wrap dish with around 1000 calories, so I made sure I got myself into my run kit and went out for a 5K run.

The sun set was beautiful light and there was a rainbow, I wanted to run hard, but I kept stopping to look at it all.  I even stalked a couple of hares and tried to video them, but they were a bit too quick.  I listened to more of "How to Stop Time" by Matt Haig.

I had a shower and a fruit pastill lolly when I got in and watched 2 episodes of Spooks and Alan was amused that they referenced the "National Rail Enquires" as a thing that used to exist.